Personal Injuries Proceedings Act 2002 (PIPA)

I specialise in public liability claims. I have defended hundreds of claims involving injuries arising out of assaults, slip and falls, contractor worksite incidents, recreational activities, exposure to toxins and asbestos.

I have extensive experience in advising on insurance coverage, contractual provisions, indemnities, waivers, labour hire agreements and dual insurance.

My experience in working across both public liability and workers compensation allows me to deliver effective solutions in dealing with not only the primary liability but contribution claims and claims for recovery.

I also provide training to in-house teams including improved PIPA claims management and how to deal with incidents and investigations.

Workers' Compensation – Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 (WCRA)

Throughout my career I have developed extensive experience in workers compensation. I have represented many self-insurers and WorkCover Queensland in hundreds of workers compensation related matters including recovery actions.

Through my experience in general insurance and PIPA claims, I also provide advice on potential claims for contribution or recovery against third parties including occupiers and host employers.

In addition, I can assist employers in managing statutory claims before they become common law claims by collaborating with in-house teams to implement processes to assist with injury management and incident investigation.

Workers Compensation – Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 (SRC Act)

In addition to state workers compensation, I also have experience in acting for Comcare and many licensees in respect to workers compensation claims under the SRC Act. I work with licensees and their claims management teams in reviewing and investigating factual disputes and medical evidence.

My capability in public liability also delivers excellent outcomes in respect to s50 recovery actions, resulting in recovery of statutory workers compensation benefits from third parties including occupiers and manufacturers.

Asbestos and Dust Disease Litigation

I have acted in this area for over 15 years both in Queensland Courts and in the Dust Diseases Tribunal of NSW.

In addition to asbestos related claims I have experience in other exposure claims including wood dust, silica, coal dust, welding fumes, latex particles and benzene.

I have developed strategies to deal with complex medical and scientific literature as to permissible levels of exposure to dealing with urgent claims and investigating exposures that can date back to the early 1900s.

My experience and knowledge in this area has resulted in successful recovery actions from manufacturers and suppliers of products containing asbestos, reducing the overall claim cost exposure to clients.


I have over 20 years of experience in alternate dispute resolution including mediations.  I have extensive knowledge of the complexities of civil litigation including matters of personal injury, contract, insurance, liability, indemnity and quantum. My experience, knowledge and reputation assists plaintiffs, defendants, insurers and corporations in the resolution of disputes.